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Following a review by a US multi-national, Corporate Head Office made the decision to close the Irish manufacturing plant, which employed 450 people, on a phased basis over the course of one year.


The company needed a support programme that catered for a very broad range of differing needs, ranging from Production Operatives to Heads of Function. Many of the employees impacted had very long service within the business with low levels of exposure to the modern recruitment market and quite high levels of anxiety about identifying new opportunities after redundancy especially given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the jobs market.

As an active manufacturing plant, with significant production targets prior to closure, support needed to be built carefully around shift patterns, ensuring that the operational running of the plant was not interrupted. The impact of COVID-19 provided a further challenge to maintaining a tight outplacement programme delivery schedule.


To allay fears, build confidence and fully prepare employees to secure new roles post-exit, Harmonics agreed a comprehensive programme of support with the company which combined:

  • Group workshops supported by 1:1 Career and Financial Advisory Coaching sessions together with our on-line career centre.
  • An On-Site Career Centre manned by a full-time Career Centre Manager, researching, and communicating job opportunities and available to employees throughout, to provide ad-hoc, on the spot, career support as required.
  • Online Career Masterclasses and Virtual Career Events, featuring local employers, organised around COVID-19 restrictions.
  • We worked closely with a third level institution to provide a bespoke accreditation to transition from electronics to bio-pharma.



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