
4 Realistic Retention Strategies for HR

The retention of talent is the number one challenge for so many HR professionals right now. Here, I share four strategies to help you address your talent retention challenges.

Managing the “I want it now” population – It is important to be realistic about how long you expect talent to stay. If you are hiring someone in their 20’s or 30’s, they are looking for new experiences to grow their career. They want it now. They don’t want to wait like the generation before them. Recent research has shown that, on average, talent get itchy feet after 18 months and want the next new project to give them a new challenge. They have learned, grown on the job and are hungry for career progression. If you, as their employer, can’t deliver a new opportunity for them, they are a flight risk and will begin to explore new opportunities externally.

Knowing this timeframe of 18 months is a critical time to introduce Career Coaching Conversations. However, too often organisations are directing their people to a Learning Management system that offers mandatory training but does not meet their need to assess their next new career move. If your organisation wants to retain talent, you need to help your people discover what they really want next in their career. Then you can share how your organisation can meet their future career development needs. These career conversations are too often happening as part of an exit interview when your best talent has handed in their notice and it’s too late.

Supporting Managers who “Don’t want to talk about it now” – Managers don’t want to have career conversations with their employees because they fear they will be unable to meet their career expectations. This “want it now” talent population are often looking for promotion, more money and a sense they are making progress and climbing the career ladder. They are most likely looking to get a mortgage and want to bring their base salary up to a level that is attractive for a bank to lend them money. Organisations need to marry the reality of what it can afford and offer with how their talent can become more marketable when they leave and then need to support their managers in having those conversations.

Managers need to become more skilled at empathising, understanding what people want and then educating and communicating the reality of what they can offer. It is a manager’s role to help their people to understand that Organizations have become flatter and career progression is not just about promotion. Managers need support so they can face up to career conversations to help their people build a picture on how they can co-create skills and knowledge building opportunities that may not be just about promotion, but helping their people become much more valuable in their career future.

Be prepared to “Let them go” – I wish organizations were more realistic and set a timeline of five years as a great tenure for talent to stay these days. If a 5 year goal is set, then the employer can create a new psychological contract with their talent – that is, “You help us to grow our business and we will keep giving you experiences to help you grow your career”. In a world where jobs are unlikely to be permanent, employers and employees need to add value to each other. Reid Hoffman co-founder of LinkedIn suggests employees invest in the company’s adaptability and employers invest in employee’s employability. This makes so much sense as the new psychological contract for work, yet I come across many organisations that close their minds to the idea of enhancing their employees’ employability for fear they will leave. Get to know your people, their motivations and aspirations, this will enable you to match them with skills building projects and new experiences – giving them the opportunity to learn and grow. Then, like you would with an adolescent leaving home after secondary school, you just to let them go.

Success should be seeing them flourishing elsewhere knowing they made a great difference while they stayed and that you enabled them to achieve their career goals. It is not good for talent to stay in one organization for too long. They need to learn new skills, knowledge and experiences in new environments that you will likely never be able to offer them. Wish them well and they will share with others how you helped them be the best they can be. They will become a referral network for you to attract new talent. Having a realistic goal of 5 years gives you a return on your career development investment and sets you both up for a win-win.

Understanding different cultures – Last week, I was coaching an IT Manager who had recently joined a traditional organisational to drive a change agenda. Her remit from her new Head of Function was to scope out the changes they needed to make and to lead and drive this change project. She scoped out the change and met with the key stakeholders to outline and communicate the change that was needed across divisions. There was a lot of resistance to any change being implemented. The managers had long service and this change would impact their roles. They had too much invested in the past and were of a fixed mindset. This new manager had come from working in smaller start-ups and was struggling with the slow-moving nature of this culture.

I advised her to meet her Head of Function for a chat to discuss her remit to drive change and to help her understand the politics and how the culture really worked in there. She needed to learn how to drive change in a traditional culture and her Head of Function needed to help her navigate the politics of her new employer. She hadn’t spoken to her new boss for fear they wouldn’t understand, but the reality was neither had spoken to each other and it could have ended in her leaving out of frustration with the new culture. Our coaching conversation helped her to see all perspectives before she made a rash decision to leave. This intervention helped her to re-calibrate and see this new project as a new challenge she had not experienced before rather than rushing out the door to a new employer. The conversation with her Head of Function resulted in both taking a half day off-site to clarify and align their vision and strategy. The very worst thing that could have happened was her Head of Function didn’t listen and then she would have known for sure the culture was wrong. What she found was a renewed commitment to drive her change agenda.

At Harmonics we have been developing a programme of career development activities with our clients to help them align the realistic career progression opportunities with the needs of talent that ‘want it now’. These include:

• Career Conversations Workshops to equip Managers to have realistic career discussions
• Female Career Acceleration Coaching to target growing Female Leaders within Organisations
• Customised Mobile Career Portal for career coaching on the move for all employees
• A range of informative Career Talks including the 4 Aces
• Speed career coaching clinics at regular times each year to retain talent when they may be thinking about making their next move.
• Measuring the Career Pulse of your people through 7 key questions in a simple to use engagement survey

“The best way to predict your future is to create it” – Stephen Covey

To learn more about our programmes, please contact Harmonics on 01 8942616061 336136 or 021 7319604 or email

John Fitzgerald is the Founder of the Harmonics Group. Harmonics specialises in helping organisations plan for change, manage change and support their people through change.


4 Critical Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer

Diarmuid called me all excited, he had just been offered a new role. I had coached him in the past through a messy time in his career when he was being forced out of a company. It had drained him of confidence and it took a while for him to pick up the pieces. Years moved on and he did well in his next role. Now he was calling to let me know about his latest job offer and ask some questions about his package. As we got to talk about this new role, it became clear to me that Diarmuid was about to make the same mistake he made before. I asked him some pertinent questions to which he began to waffle his way through the answers or didn’t have the answers because he hadn’t asked. We agreed to meet for a coaching session to go through everything to ensure he was making the right move. In this article, I will share the 4 critical question sets that I brought Diarmuid through which will help anyone considering their next career move.

Moving into a new role is stressful, emotional and all consuming.  Deciding to join a new employer is often a much bigger decision than moving to a new role internally. You are going to be in a fish bowl and everyone is looking at the new person in the office. Plus the stats are against you – between 40%-60% of management new-hires fail within 18 months. This happens mainly due to miscommunication and lack of clear expectations at the start of the relationship between both parties. The employer or line manager may have been surprised the new hire hasn’t lived up to expectations or the new hire has not seen their own expectations realised. Either way, it could have been avoided with greater due diligence on both sides.

From our experience, some of the key foundation stones need to be put in place early on. The 4 question sets I went through with Diarmuid were critical and needed to be addressed upfront and not after he made the move. If you don’t, one of these will most certainly be the reason your new role won’t work out.

I would encourage everyone to script the answers to these questions and have the courageous conversations upfront. Don’t assume and don’t accept a deflection. Gaining clarity will either set you up for success or indicate concerns early on. Don’t accept the first answer you receive, dig deeper. The interviewer is often only giving you their point of view which may not be the full story. It is best to ask more than one person in the interview process these questions. You will be surprised by the variance in answers you receive. I ask my coachees to frame their question under these 4 headings, so we can review what they have heard. I also encourage you to take the emotion out of answering these questions. We are inherently biased to liking people like us. This is no indicator of job success -to be managed by someone like us.

1-Context – Gain as much information as you can upfront on your new employer through internet searches, glassdoor, searching through LinkedIn profiles of people who work there or have worked there. Find out what is the current company situation, are they in growth, who are their competitors and why are they looking to hire someone like you? Who has succeeded and/or failed in this role in the past and why? What is possible from a resourcing and budget perspective in helping you achieve what you want and what is not? Following the interviews, make written notes to describe the culture and values there? What in your opinion will the CEO do and never do and what will your Line Manager do and never do?

2-Clarity – Is there agreement and clarity on your role and your boss’s role and what success looks like for you both in 3,6,12 months, 3 years? Is their clarity on how fast business goals change and the requirement to review these on a regular basis? What is their big challenge right now? How can you help solve this challenge? Do they know and understand your ways of working? Is this acceptable, do they see any challenges to how you like to work? Having reflected on this information, note where you see potential for conflict or differences of opinion. Reflect now on your own career history, what is your Achilles heel and how can you change your behaviour to make this role a success. This is a step up opportunity to make a behaviour change. What made you a success to date may not be important in this role. Clarity is key.

3-Collaboration – Have you and your boss acknowledged your different working styles? Find out their working and personality style and values important to them. Ask them to describe the best person that has ever worked for them and with them? What did they see as great about what they did and how they achieved their goals? Most Organisations include a psychometric profiling instrument as part on the interview process. It is important as part of your own development to have completed a battery of instruments to get feedback to gain greater self insight, so you are not surprised by any results as part of the process. It is also important for your interviewers to share insights and describe the team members that you will be working with if you took the job. What would they see as potential watch outs for you in your new team and other teams across the business? Think how you can influence based on what you know.

4-Coaching – It is my experience that this is a missing piece in the jigsaw. Organisations pay recruiter fees to find the right candidate and then fail to support them in their development. Managers are so busy today that the onboarding process is often rushed and needs to be improved. Ask if they offer onboarding or First 100 Day coaching to new hires to accelerate their performance. Ask about how they manage and develop talent.  Are mentors available? What does mentoring look like there? Ask to hear about examples. Thinking you can do it all on your own is the BIG Mistake. This is NOT a sign of weakness asking for coaching, it is a sign you are serious about your future performance. No High Performer succeeds without one! And lastly don’t be afraid to change coach depending on your development needs.

In Diarmuid’s case, there were just too many questions that remained unanswered when he went back to gain greater clarity on the role, scope and his ability to achieve. The previous incumbent had failed due to lack of resources and support. There was a lack of clarity in his role and while he connected very well with his new Boss-to-be, there were just too many unknowns. With a heavy heart he turned down the role. At first, he felt he had missed a chance to move as he had itchy feet and was looking for a move, when the job offer came along. He really was excited what he could achieve but, deep down, he knew he would have failed just like his successor. It was the right decision for Diarmuid in the long run. He has seen from the outside that the new hire has not worked out. As I said to him, you don’t need to take the first bus that comes along. Instead, do your due diligence, know the bus you want to take, who the driver is and where it is going and then there will be no unexpected surprises when you climb aboard!

“Select in haste, repent at leisure.” – Brian Tracey.

If you are interested in finding out about Executive, Business or High-Performance Coaching, we can arrange for one of the Harmonics Specialist team to meet with you and ask you critical questions to make our intervention a success and the right solution in the long run!

Please contact Harmonics on 01 8942616061 336136 or 021 7319604 or email


All Star Accreditation for John Fitzgerald

John Fitzgerald, managing director at Harmonics Group, received an All Star Accreditation for Thought Leadership in Career Management at the Fourth Annual All-Ireland Business Summit powered by Audi.

Leading lights in Irish Business descended on Croke Park last Thursday 19th April for the Summit, where a 1000 strong audience from all 32 counties were captivated by the speakers who revealed their top secrets, confessions and the do’s and don’ts that have helped them achieve their business success.

The Business All-Stars competition final was one of the key elements of the summit. The Business All-Stars is an annual competition designed to identify, recognise and accredit Irish companies and individuals that have distinguished themselves in the conduct of their business over the last 12 months.

Speaking at the event, Kieran F. Ring, CEO Global Institute of Logistics, Deputy Chairperson Adjudication Panel said; “The decision to designate John Fitzgerald, Harmonics with this accreditation is based on the score achieved in four rounds of intense competition.

The Deputy Chairperson had this special mention for John. “I was delighted to be part of the process which identified John Fitzgerald as a Thought Leader in Career Management. Johns ability to a ‘walk a while in another person’s shoes’ is a unique gift which allows him to give the best possible guidance to both parties in the employer / employee relationship, balancing the need of the corporate to optimise its most valuable resource, its people with the needs of the individual to develop a sustainable, rewarding career path. Congratulations John, our hope is that this accreditation will further distinguish you”.

The application, supported by references, interviews and independent ratings from the ‘mystery shopper’ process left the adjudication panel in no doubt that John and Harmonics is richly deserving of this accreditation. We would like to extend our sincere congratulations to all concerned and we wish you every success for the future”

In response to the announcement John Fitzgerald said, “On behalf of Harmonics I would like to express our sincere thanks for being accredited as Thought Leaders in Career Management. Achieving All-Stars accreditation is a great source of pride for us and we look forward to continuing to meet and indeed exceed the standards set by the All-Star programme.

The process which led to this accreditation truly stretched us, the structure of the competition required us to put our brand story on paper and gave us the opportunity to reflect on who we are, our growth strategy and above all the value we create for our target audience.

The opportunity to hear first-hand feedback from our Judge-Mentor, our existing customers, partners and suppliers through the reference module combined with the results from the mystery shopper round was invaluable.

We would like to thank all at the competition for making the effort to listen to our story, understand and accredit our business and above all help us to promote it”

The competition finals benefited enormously from the atmosphere created at the All-Ireland Summit which was driven by the three key pillars of knowledge sharing, facilitating new business relationships and the continued improvement of business standards in Ireland, the All-Ireland Summit improves year-on-year – like so many of the great teams to have graced the hallowed turf of Croke Park.

Speaking at the summit, Dr. Briga Hynes, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Chairperson Adjudication Panel summed up the entire process by reminding the enterprises honoured with All-Star that:   “Harmonics has demonstrated an ability to innovate and has impressive growth plans which no-doubt reflects the resilience and optimism that are the hallmarks of Irish entrepreneurs. Harmonics brings a real inspiration for what is possible in business in Ireland and provides important role models for the many aspiring entrepreneurs and existing small firms,”

 Harmonics now included in the 2018-19 All-Stars Role of Honour, the list is published annually to coincide with the All-Ireland Business Summit at Croke Park


5 Great Questions to Ask Yourself If You Hit a Career Ceiling

Career ceilings happen; there are only so many seats at the top table. But, if you feel you have hit a career ceiling where you work, it’s important to firstly ask yourself, could I have done any more here? I would caution before you assume and blame others or the organisation. Start with holding the mirror up and go from there, but change starts from within.

As an Executive Coach, I worked with Rachael (not her real name) recently.  She worked diligently hard in her role and went beyond the call of duty to deliver big projects and get stuff done. When she came to me, she needed urgent interview preparation for an upcoming promotion. Unfortunately for her, she had left it too late. She had fallen foul to being busy in her job but not on her career. She said she was frustrated with an old boys’ club in her organisation. She ignored it and assumed her hard work would be rewarded in time. Surely, they couldn’t overlook her outstanding work achievements? Yes, they did. She was, in effect, considered too good in her current role to promote. More truthfully, she was doing such a great job, she hadn’t considered taking time to develop a suitable successor. She had made herself irreplaceable for now; but had also fenced herself into a role with no career development plan. Rachael had also never sought to influence across the organisation, she believed this was not her place. She relied on her work to speak for itself. When I challenged her more, she admitted she feared exposing herself in projects outside of her expertise. She preferred to stay within her own area of expertise, her comfort zone as she later conceded as she reflected more.


Hitting the ceiling happens for different reasons, here are 5 great questions to ask yourself. The answers will help you navigate the next best career move for you to advance your career.

Context – Is it them or is it me? Before you blame the culture, be honest with yourself. Have you worked hard to build a career brand that demonstrates you always wanted this next step up. Are you seen as a High Risk of leaving to the business if you leave? Why? Is this a culture you want to be part of in your future career? What is their track record for internal promotions here? Who gets promoted and why? Have you asked others, how they got their promotion?

Stepping Out – Do you need to step out before you step up? Stepping out is about becoming more visible, influential and known by others outside of your day job. Stepping up is what happens when you have stepped out often enough. Stepping out of your comfort zone is scary, but this is where there is high challenge and high skills development. Stop being busy in your day job and start creating opportunities to influence across and above in your organisation.

Executive Connections – How influential is your network? Stepping out across the business demonstrates your capability. The key leverage for breaking the ceiling is building Executive Connections. These are the influencers. Create ways to be in their company, target them at meetings or informal gatherings. Your job is to get to know them and become interested in their world and they in yours. Find out what their pain points are and what is keeping them up at night. Reflect on how you could be a solution. These influencers must know what you want to do next and why. The interview is often a charade, yes it may scupper chances if you don’t perform on the day, but most important is your relationship with key influencers before internal interviews.

Do you want to stay here anyway – Have you overstayed your welcome? Sometimes not getting promoted can be the great career alarm clock. Is it time to get up and go? Have you realised through this interview process the promotion was not for you anyway? Maybe you may have stayed too long and, if you stay longer, it is likely you will end up plateauing. If you can’t afford to leave because you have too much to lose financially, start making plans to do so. This starts with investing in yourself and your external network to become more employable and marketable outside your employer and your sector.

Peter Principle – Are you up to what the job requires right now? Beware you may be evaluating your performance in your current role rather than what is expected when you get promoted. Seek honest feedback, not just from the interviewers but others who know you and will challenge you. I have given frank feedback to many people in sessions and some have taken offence. “No one has ever been that direct with me before!”, one person said to me. I nodded my head and agreed, but then I asked “What have I to gain from telling you lies? You didn’t hire me to be your friend; you hired me to be your coach to improve your future performance!”

In Rachel’s case, she accepted the feedback and described one of our sessions as a “great awakening” and the day she woke up to the reality of what is required to overcome her career ceiling. The alarm clock went off for her.

If you have hit a career ceiling, do any of the above questions resonate? Be honest with yourself and act. Rachel has undertaken an external development programme and is exposing herself to a new network outside her own organization. We have assigned her a Communications Coach to build her influence and brand internally while she now spends time to mentor her future successor. She is serious about stepping out and stepping up and her CEO knows it, she has told him what she wants and why. She is now working smart and not just working hard! Time is ticking, and she is making herself ready for internal or external moves. She now sees the day she didn’t get promotion as the day the alarm clock went off and woke her up!

“Talent sets the floor, character sets the ceiling” Bill Belichick

If you are interested in finding out how you or one of your team can overcome the career ceiling, you can speak with one of our Coaching team by contacting Harmonics on 01 8942616061 336136 or 021 7319604 or email

John Fitzgerald is the Founder of the Harmonics Group. Harmonics specialises in helping organisations plan for change, manage change and support their people through change.


The Number 1 Most Common Mistake HR Makes

Have you ever looked on in wonder at a young child totally immersed on their mobile device playing their computers games. They immediately go into their own world. This is a world of simulation, a repeating process of trial and error. Here the real learning happens; they must through exploration find the best way to gain a higher score in their computer game. They are continually trying new ways, raising their own skills and awareness. They are in competition with their peer community and they know who has attained the highest score. They are eager to climb the rankings to more challenging levels. To be competitive in this environment, they know they need to learn from their mistakes, and start again at zero if they fail. They accept failure as just a part of the game. They have autonomy to be creative and competitive in their chosen field without anyone telling them they look or sound stupid or giving negative feedback when they make a mistake. They know when they played bad, they don’t need telling; they just dust themselves down and go again. When they make a mistake they almost instantly know where they went wrong and how to make it right next time.

But at work they are warned to ensure they get it right first time. If they don’t, it will have big consequences. The boss, line manager or colleague shows them up in public and tells them and everyone else just how wrong they got it. Taking risks, trying new ways, being innovative are all espoused as something organisations want more of, but they better get it right first time! This leads the adventurous gamer who takes risks in their personal life to play safe and within the rules, fearful of doing something wrong at work. At home, this gamer tries, fails, tries again and fails, each time learning, adapting and raising their own performance standards even further. The difference? They have freedom within the framework of the game and are committed to learning and being the best they can be.

We are asked by HR departments for interventions to help shake their people up, to motivate them. When we delve into the problem we’re told their people are often on autopilot, working hard, but fearing they will get it wrong.  It’s understandable. A person’s standard rarely improves once a task is learned. At work, we become ‘lifelong doers’ instead of ‘lifelong learners’. Performance reviews don’t help much either, it’s a tick the box exercise for both parties. It’s no surprise that virtually every sector has seen their productivity flatline since around 07/08. The Global Gallup study shows employee engagement pretty much stagnant at 33%, year after year.

HR chases too many Fads’ – I see too many fad HR initiatives being rolled out in response to poor career development scores in employee engagement surveys. Fads don’t work but they tick the box that the organisation was seen to offer something to address the issue. Let’s do a motivational talk or a talk on managing stress and everyone will know then what to do when they are stressed. No, they won’t because the work environment will not change the day after the inspirational talk. These initiatives are all targeted at helping the person to change behaviour. We have seen from our kids playing computer games that if you create the right environment we will thrive to be better. It’s the environment that needs to change; this is a much bigger prize for HR to go after. This will bring the Big Win longer term. This is how HR will become more strategic and influential.

Stop going for the low hanging fruit HR with health and well-being talks, gyms on site and short-term fad’s. These won’t work if people are still working 60-hour weeks. These won’t work if you report into a boss that is known to be a bully and has poor relationship skills but is never challenged on their behaviour. Things won’t change if you are rewarding managers and employees to stay in roles too long. Start taking some risks – challenge your senior leadership team to create environments that enable talent to thrive, not plateau or leave.

I had a conversation recently with an organisation that has 97% retention. They wanted to increase movement around the organisation to build new skills, but found it hard to do this. The problem is a mud layer of managers at a certain level in the organisation, who have stayed too long and have no intention of leaving. It is their comfort zone and the organisation has facilitated this mud layer. They also found that new graduates are not staying. Why would they? They have nowhere to go. They can see no career prospects while the mud layer of management stay where they are. The organisation had a problem but didn’t know how to change it and create a high-performance culture. With our support, this was a goal worth pursuing which won’t just tick the box. We are transforming their culture and helping drive commitment, performance and productivity.

Engaged employees are in the game for the sake of the game; they believe in the cause of the organization.” –Paul Marciano, PhD.


It’s the Environment Stupid

James Carville, Bill Clinton’s campaign manager for the 1992 Presidential election once claimed “it’s the economy stupid” which proved a highly successful strategy. He focussed on what was concerning people most and this had the greatest resonance.

In observing many organisations’ approach to Talent and Career Management, I believe many are not focussing on what is concerning people most. You might say “it’s the environment stupid!”. Bruce Lipton first coined this phrase in his excellent book ‘The Biology of Belief’. Bruce is one of the foremost thinkers in the revolutionary field of Epigenetics. He observed the impact a changed environment had on the cells he was studying. The cells changed their structure and function depending on their environment. These cells were shaped by where they live. It’s the same with people in organisations today, you and I are shaped by where we live and work.

They need to change! – We get many calls each week for Executive Coaching assignments. The assignments are common in nature – “Can you support a manager who needs to change their management style, develop their emotional intelligence and leadership capability?”

HR will share with us how their CEO would like a particular Senior Manager to change. In certain cases, these coaching assignments are remedial as it’s not about how the manager is or isn’t working out or changing, quite often, it’s the environment! The environment needs to change but no one is willing to have the courageous conversation with the CEO or the site leadership about why or how it needs to change. Organisations are outsourcing the problem to Executive Coaches to fix the unfixable problem. The problem is not just the person, it is the person in the environment.

Courageous Conversations – We know from Bruce Lipton that if we changed the environment this coachee could change. Instead, we are being asked to mould managers uncomfortably into a structure that does not work for them. Courageous conversations are not being had. The problem is often caused by the system, yet we focus on trying to fix the person. The answers are all in nature. Stay with me here, I am not going all earthy, I am simply speaking about you and me (human beings) who have evolved and adapted for the last 150,000 years on this planet. We thrive in systems that offer autonomy, mastery and purpose as Dan Pink confirms in his book ‘Drive’ on the psychology of motivation. See his Ted Talk here.

The pyramid structure – Institutional models are largely a creation of the industrial era. They were created to keep the managers who had all the knowledge at the top of the pyramid and the worker bees at the bottom on the production line. These traditional hierarchical legacy systems are no longer ‘fit for purpose’ for the future of work. The transition to more natural models is proving quite a challenge and this is where a lot of the tension lies in the system. There is a lack of courage to change from what we know, even though the industrial model is only over 100 years old. Instead, we try to change the person. I am not for one minute saying Managers don’t need coaching to develop their leadership capability. What I am saying is that it is a shared responsibility between the organisation changing and the person changing. Change is the order of the day and research below is a case in point.

The CEB Enterprise Performance Research in a multiyear global study showed some interesting findings from 23,000 respondents in answering what change they have seen in the last 3 years:

• Greater Organisation complexity 44%
• More interdependencies 50%
• Increased access to information 56%
• Co-workers in another global location 57%
• Work that requires collaboration 67%

New capabilities and critical skills are required by Organisations that demand greater collaboration, sharing knowledge and staying closer to the customer. This cannot be managed successfully in a traditional pyramid structure. There is a seismic shift happening in the way we are working. There is, and will continue to be, a shift away from the individual who is in it just for themselves or the hero leader who hoards information and knowledge to achieve their personal goals and bonus. People can see through this today and don’t like being used as pawns in the system. If they see this happening, they purposely slow the system down or leave, thus giving your competitors the advantage.

Model from Josh Bersin, The New Organisation: Different by design

The big shift is to collaborative working, greater interdependency and access to new sources of changing information. The future organisation needs to be fluid and this requires agile individuals and teams who give and take information freely and speedily to deliver better enterprise solutions. This fluid system is simply a representation of the biological cell system. The cell system is not a hierarchical one, it is a networked system all working in unison. The hierarchy requires higher level decisions, slows information response time and causes blockages in the system, yet organisations still adhere to this traditional pyramid structure.

If you want to foster agile working and greater innovation you need to create a networked organisation. Many Leaders will share with us “If only they could get their people to change”. The CEB research contradicts this view and highlights “it was not employee willingness to change that was the problem; it was the environment structures and heritage practices that blocked innovation”. We are moving from the industrialised economy to the connected economy. Control and job titles are being replaced by innovation, agility and varied work tasks.

Your organisation is more than likely a spider’s web full of interconnected networks rather than an ordered pyramid. Organisations need to value and reward contributions of those with critical expertise and those who collaborate both inside and outside the organisation to enable innovation. Your Leaders need to know who these people are and have career conversations to understand their motivators, career aspirations and skills they are capable of developing in the future.

Feel the Fear and Do it anyway – In our experience, HR are fearful of challenging the CEO and Leadership on their thinking. They do not believe they have enough clout and will not be taken seriously because they do not have an accountancy degree or a background in business. In other cases they fear for their jobs if they rock the boat. The HR role is to gather that presenting data for change and become more influential in helping to change the structure of their future organisation. With the onset of automation, it will be your people’s ability to innovate and influence that will be the key differentiator. Lean and Six Sigma programmes have in many cases taken out costs and made many businesses more efficient.

The future is about adding value and driving a culture of agility and innovation. This is harder to measure and predict the end result. Boardrooms like certainty, if you do x you will get y. This is why many Leaders are stumped. They are fearful of changing away from what they know because there isn’t a proven model. They need to understand there won’t be a proven model because change is happening so fast. The future is about adapting as you go. If you wait you will die, if you adapt you will fail sometimes and win sometimes. The future of work is going to be a roller coaster.

Career Frameworks are needed to reflect the new reality of the more networked organisation. We are living in a highly connected open networked world of work. There is a need to build strategies to support more networked organisations. Chris Ernst in his research work featured in his book ‘Boundary Spanning Leadership’ found that the greatest challenge Leaders found was in enabling people to make horizontal cross functional moves. Organisations speak about the scarcity of talent in the market; they spend lots of money trying to attract new talent but from our experience are not doing enough to reimagine their in-house talent in upskilling them to make cross functional moves.

Some reflective questions in summary

• Is your environment enabling or disabling your Talent Management Strategy?
• Are you avoiding a courageous conversation with a Business Leader out of fear?
• How many of the 5 changes in the CEB study impact your organisation and how are you preparing your people?

If you would like to speak to Harmonics about any of the above, here are just a few of the interventions we make available to clients

• We share our insights in Future of Work talks on Leadership off-sites to introduce external thinking into traditional businesses. We challenge Leaders to think differently and come away with fresh perspectives on the environment they are creating to attract and develop talent.
• We deliver ‘career conversations’ workshops to enable leaders and managers have courageous conversations about creating career growth opportunities that match business challenges.
• We design Career Frameworks that reflect a modern networked organisation that is close to the customer and offers non-traditional internal career transition moves to meet changing business needs.


What’s your next Transfer Move?

It’s January and it’s a busy month of the year for Transfers in the Premiership Football season. Sky Sports has a Transfer Centre to update us on the latest big money moves before the transfer window closes. These Premiership Football stars have their agents to advise them and negotiate big money moves between clubs. Alexis Sanchez recent move from Arsenal to Man United will see him earn a staggering £600,000 a week, yes a week.

It’s also hectic Transfer season for Employers scouring the market for new talented stars to join their teams. All this transfer talk got me thinking about the many talented people we meet that have to make life changing decisions by accepting or turning down a job move.

Here, I have looked at four categories of people we meet – you may identify with one of them – and I highlight some of the career advice I might be giving you if you retained me as your Highly Paid Agent?

So where are you now in your career?

In my experience, you are somewhere broadly in one of these 4 categories:

  1. Reactive/Curious – You are not actively looking but have been contacted by a recruiter for a new job, you don’t feel now is the time to move but you are curious why you were contacted
  2. Reactive/Ready – You have been contacted by a recruiter, you have not been job seeking but with the right offer would be open to consider new moves
  3. Proactive/Ready – Your role is going to made redundant or you have experienced redundancy and keen to get back into another job
  4. Proactive / Curious – You are proactive and always testing the market to see what further career opportunities are out there. You are not ready to move right now but always keeping an eye to the future

Reactive/ Curious

You have received a call or a LinkedIn message out of the blue; a recruiter would like to speak to you about an opportunity. Let’s face it, it is flattering, we all like to think someone wants us. Even if you are really happy in your current role, it peaks your interest even to find out how much they might offer. If you do return the call, it can open up an interesting conversation about a new role in a new sector. My advice is to be curious, find out more about the employer, their challenges and how they compare to your employer. A word of warning, you may also be contacted as a result of a robotic AI recruitment process churning out matches to your LinkedIn profile. This leads to a conversation with an inexperienced junior recruiter with little business experience busily trying to hit their monthly sales targets. The increase in online recruitment means you are going to get many more suggested job offers than before. Take time each week to review your LinkedIn requests and build career connections with a select number of quality recruitment professionals. They have lots of personal connections to employers and you never know when you will need them in the future.

  • Be curious and ask valid questions to increase your market knowledge
  • Don’t ignore, a courteous reply is never wasted, stating the type of role you would like to be contacted about in the future


You have been contacted about an open role and after a conversation, the role sounds appealing and you would consider a move. The recruiter would like to put you forward for an interview. Remember, you are at all times in control of your personal brand and the CV that is forwarded will need editing and tweaking to marry the job specification. It is not enough to ask the recruiter to tidy up your CV. Your CV is your personal brochure and it speaks volumes for your brand. Get professional support to make it the best you can in advance of forwarding. I have found people are poor to highlight their own achievements but it is very easy for me as a career coach to ask questions to uncover these achievements. This work also helps with your upcoming interview and marrying your relevant experience to the role requirements. If you consider going forward for the role, write down 3 big reasons why you want the role and commit to give it everything in the interview process. I have seen people contacted about a role and adopt an attitude that the employer has to prove to them why they should work for them. If the employer feels they have to impress on you so much why you should take it, the future work relationship is doomed for failure. Like in any relationship, there needs to be a mutual commitment to making this work

  • Present your brand in the best way possible at interview, even if you don’t end up taking the job, remember hiring managers move jobs too, so you never know where you might meet them again
  • Review the process, your learnings and any potential development gaps you may not have realised you had pre-interview


As a result of a restructure you have found yourself out there again proactively trying to find a new role. As we deal with a lot of outplacement candidates, this is often a time where we see urgency getting the better of common sense. Proactive job search is a process. There are steps in every process, but urgent job seekers will want to skip vital foundation steps in an effort to get to find another job. Certainty is replaced with uncertainty. This leads to panic replies to every potentially suitable job advert online. My advice is to clearly define what your ideal next role looks like. You don’t go online to buy any car, any dress, you shoes. You have a good idea what you want and what style, model and colour will suit you.

I cannot tell you how many people fail to do this exercise. What work tasks ideally would you be doing, in what sector, at what salary level, in what location, in what type of culture, what next challenge appeals to you and why, what type of company describes this list? When I get people to complete this exercise, I then speak about their gaps to finding this role. These gaps might be network, education, skills or salary expectations. To address gaps you need to reinvest in your learning. This could be practical or academic. I have just worked with someone and there gap is a network in a new sector. Once we started to discuss who may be in that sector, names started dropping. They had more connections that they had thought. This was their gap. When I ask some urgent job seekers to complete this exercise, they say “I just want a job, as any job is better than no job, I just need to get back earning again”. I say yes, but you also want to get back earning in an environment where you will thrive rather than just survive and soon want to leave.

  • Clarify what your ideal next job looks like, you simply have to know what you are looking for before you find it, otherwise you allow yourself to take a job that’s not for you
  • Address your network, skills, education or salary expectation gaps as these are your barriers to future career success

Proactive/ Curious

You are happy doing what you are currently doing and wouldn’t describe yourself as actively job seeking. But you have the mind-set of a top football player who always seems to be in control of a game. Top sports stars don’t just focus on the outcome, they focus on the process. This is a critical mistake a lot of people make in their careers. They target one future role as the Holy Grail. I once coached a client who told me that in his twenties he ambitiously set a goal to be a Country HR Director by the time he hit 40. He worked hard and exceeded his own expectations by reaching the role at 36 years of age. He was sent to me for career coaching at 39. He had achieved his lifetime ambition but when he got there felt unfulfilled. He was still only 39 and had not thought about the next 25-30 years. He had one focus that, when realised, was not what he once thought it might be like. This hero’s journey to the top often follows with questions like “what’s next?”
The top footballers can see a potential future move before anyone else. They can sense the way the game will go from fine tuning their skills. In the modern career game, you need to see the world of work as an evolving series of game changing events. You need to learn to spot new potential opportunities that are a match for your skills and talents. If you don’t, someone else will.

  • Scan the internal and external market for new future projects and opportunities, like a great footballer, you have your ‘head up’ looking for a gap to exploit
  • The career game is a process, there is no one ‘holy grail’ job, best to focus on a series of intrinsically rewarding career growth moves.

If you remain proactive and curious throughout your career lifetime, you will largely remain in control of your future career moves. If you choose to remain reactive, you will always be adapting to fit into someone else’s idea of what they think you should do. Speak to one of our team of Harmonics career coaches and let us be your insightful agent to gain that extra insight before you feel pressurised to make the wrong move for you and your future.
Every success for your next career move.

People who end up with the good jobs are the proactive ones who are solutions to problems, not problems themselves, who seize the initiative to do whatever is necessary to get the job done.
― Stephen R. Covey


Harmonics Donates €3,000 to Limerick Suicide Watch

A cheque worth €3,000 was presented to Ger McNamara, chair, Limerick Suicide Watch by John Fitzgerald, managing director, Harmonics Group. Harmonics, a people change consultancy with headquarters in Limerick, selected Limerick Suicide Watch as its charity of choice for 2018.

Limerick Suicide Watch is a group of volunteers who patrol the four bridges of Limerick City at night time. The group’s main focus is to keep eyes on the river and bridges and identify and provide support to those in distress and who may be contemplating suicide.

Presenting the cheque, John Fitzgerald of Harmonics said, “One of our core values at Harmonics is making a difference and this year our team decided we wanted to help the volunteers of Limerick Suicide Watch with this donation.”

“As a Limerick headquartered business, we see these volunteers make a huge difference in patrolling the four main bridges in Limerick city for those who are distressed or suicidal. We meet a lot of people each year who are incredibly stressed when their role is made redundant. Our role through career, personal and financial coaching and advice is to help them bridge the gap between one job and another. This is often the most challenging times of their lives when they have lost their previous identity and they feel out of control. We are often the only people they feel they can speak to openly and honestly about how they feel without feeling judged. This charity partnership with Limerick Suicide Watch for 2018 makes sense for us all on the team at Harmonics. They are an amazing bunch of people who really make a difference, he continued.

Accepting the cheque on behalf of Limerick Suicide Watch, Ger McNamara said, “Limerick Suicide Watch would like to express our gratitude to Harmonics for their generous donation to our group. We could not operate successfully without such generosity from the public and companies like Harmonics. All donations we receive are used to supply our volunteers with the necessary training and life saving equipment required to patrol safely and also for the maintenance of our equipment such as bikes and radios and the upkeep of our base.”


Building a Strong Leadership Team

Building a strong performing leadership team can take time. However, for a private equity-backed business, they often don’t have the luxury of time. In this guest blog, Kevin Murphy sets out four guiding principles to building a senior leadership team for a PE backed business. At the speed at which larger and more established organisations are changing, I believe some of the principles would serve many CEO’s who are under pressure to deliver immediate results. Finally, as a member of Ireland Smart Ageing Exchange (ISAX), I’m delighted to see Kevin highlighting the ‘reverse ageism principle’. Hope you enjoy the read, John.


When looking at building a senior leadership team for a PE backed business, it’s hugely different from that of a plc or large corporate. From my experience, a PE backed business typically has a timeline of 3 to 5 years to deliver significant results for the PE fund. Accordingly the leadership team, and the hiring CEO, must develop and deliver strong business results quickly.

Whenever I joined as CEO of a business, one of the first things I would do is assess the existing management structure to ascertain if adjustments were necessary to turn the performance of the business around, or to push a successful business to achieve greater returns. I generally use a few firm principles to guide me and these are broadly as follows:

Don’t compromise and be ruthless if necessary

There can be no hesitation or compromise to ensure you build the strongest performing teams. I believe it’s crucial to wait for the right person; it’s all about getting the right people you need to achieve business goals. If not, it will come back to haunt you and cause you unnecessary issues later on.

If you inherit a team, then it may be the case that this team is not structured or built with the right skills to enable you to carry out the activities required by the business. The growth of the business simply requires bringing in fresh team members who have the necessary vision and skills.

In this situation, you need to make the hard calls. If people lack the right skills or cannot do the job, then they must go. There is no scope for compromise. With the demands and pace of a PE backed business, there really is no room for passengers. This is frequently a difficult part of the job to exit people, however I believe that the wider business understands that difficult decisions need to be made. They will acknowledge where a CEO has made a difficult leadership decision.

Experience is essential

On that basis, there are certain things I always look for in building a leadership team, namely people who have 25-30 years of experience under their belt. I call it my “grey hair” principle. It’s a great support to me as CEO to have a mature, experienced team sitting around the leadership table who will not be fazed by the various business challenges. They will pretty much have seen it all before. This reverse ageism principle has always served me well and I have had great, older colleagues who have done great jobs for me. The other big advantage of this is that they tend to speak their minds more and can contribute strongly to the growth of a business.

As CEO, I don’t have the time to wait through a long adjustment period for management to find its footing or develop into their roles. With the right leadership in place, I can be more confident of delivering the annual return and ongoing growth that investors expect.

Once or twice however I’ve made mistakes, hired someone who wasn’t ready, or wasn’t right for the role. This is when the 6-month probation period is crucial as this allows a get-out for both parties. I believe that setting clear goals for the first 6 months, and giving regular performance feedback, is crucial to letting a new hire know he / she is performing. If they are not hitting the required standard in these first 6 months, I have at times exited people at this stage. This is tough to do but is better in the long run for me as CEO and for the business.

Let them get on with it

When you have experienced people in place, who know more than you do frequently, it aids in the overall momentum of the business. You can give them clear goals, get out of their way and simply let them do their jobs. By identifying situations where strong existing leadership just needs greater independence and rewards, this makes it easier to push the business forward. A good friend of mine uses the 3D rule of management – Decide, Delegate & Disappear! I don’t quite do the “disappear” bit but I do like to actively delegate and let my experienced team work away on delivery.

I also strongly encourage people to have different opinions to me. This challenges me, and ultimately provokes more valuable discussions with respect to business issues. Tapping into the reservoir of others’ experience can lead to far greater returns than having to pull people along with you.

So, in summary, when you hire people that have been around the block, they can handle themselves and the demands required of them leaving you to focus on strategy, direction and other issues.

Consider your Succession Plan

Lastly, as CEO, I believe that it is imperative that you think about your succession plans and how to develop more junior colleagues so that they can potentially step up to more senior leadership roles in due course. Ideally the skillsets and experience is there for every team member to move upwards in the chain but it’s up to the CEO to ensure that smooth transition and to create opportunities for it to happen. Keeping an eye on the future line-up is part of maintaining a strong leadership team.

Hopefully you have enjoyed this short read about the few key principles that I have used in building leadership teams, particularly in demanding PE backed businesses. Perhaps in different types of businesses a CEO may have a longer development time line or may not be under such intense pressure for results each month or quarter. Certainly when I worked as CEO in a plc business, there were always options to move people to other parts of the wider Group so the need to exit people was not as intense. However PE backed business have a particularly demanding dynamic I believe and hence why, as CEO, I adhered strongly to these principles. They have served me well to date!


Kevin Murphy is an independent leader in the payments industry, working with domestic and multinational clients to shape their business strategies and improve business performance. With more than 30 years of experience in the financial services industry across Ireland, UK and the US, he is skilled in all aspects of the global payments business, cards and payment systems and in consumer finance issues, including consumer protection, banking regulation and marketing strategies. Kevin now uses his depth of Consumer Finance and Payments knowledge and experience to assist organisations with strategy and execution, advising clients on EU and domestic payments strategies. He is also highly experienced in working with Private Equity businesses in this market. His niche consultancy Colthurst Card & Payment Solutions offers consumer finance and payments solutions to businesses across Ireland, the UK and the USA. You can follow Kevin on @kevinmurphyIE, connect with him on or contact him at



To learn more about Harmonics Leadership Development programmes, please contact Harmonics on 01 8942616, 061 336136 or 021 7319604 or email


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Time for a Career Stocktake?

“It’s the first time you’ve driven me to school Dad!”

As part of an Executive Outplacement Programme Harmonics is delivering for an organisation, I am currently coaching a Senior Executive who has decided to take a voluntary severance package. He is a driven go-getter and always has been. Keen to look to the future, he has quickly put his previous employer behind him and wants to move on. He only finished up in the past month with his former employer and already has a job offer on the table which he was keen to accept and get back to work.

He loves being busy, achieving goals and ‘driving on’, as he says himself. He is a talented executive who will do well in his next position for the employer lucky enough to get him. He is in his late forties now and the change in career is coming at the right time for him to reposition himself into a different industry sector.

On the rebound

In our sessions, I noticed this rush to get to the next job. It’s fairly common, especially before people have finished up in their previous roles. There’s a mad dash to bank the severance package and make a seamless transition to the next role. The mad dash is derived from the fear of not being busy and that life would not have the regular routine structure. Getting another job as soon as possible also seems the perfect remedy to get over a relationship that ended not so well. If we were speaking about relationships, we might call it “on the rebound”.

Time to himself

In the last few weeks my client has found himself with more time on his hands than ever before in his life. He doesn’t have a structure, meetings, deadlines, emails or teleconference calls. So this week he did the school runs. His eldest, who is 15 years old (the same age as my own daughter), surprised him by saying “Do you know it’s the first time you have driven me to school Dad?” He was dumbstruck.

It dawned on him for the first time just how consumed he had been by work, striving to achieve more and more year after year. He was never around to do the school runs. He has always been busy at work. Busy making sure his family have everything they want. But the simple things in life can be overlooked in the chase to be successful. He spoke of the blindness that extreme work brought to other parts of his life.

It happens. Aspects in your life suffer that you don’t even notice, because you have been blinded by what you think is important. It is not until you take the time to stand back that you can see how consumed you have been by it all.

Time passes swiftly

Following my coaching session, I went for lunch and bumped into a former work colleague who was having lunch with his 17 year old daughter. He had spent the last six months recovering from a health scare. He couldn’t drive because of an eye disease that turned serious. He had to stop work but his scare has been averted and he’s looking to get back to work again early in the New Year. The illness, he said (as he looked at his daughter), made him realize the really important things in life are those closest to you, your big rocks.

It is only two months ago that I lost a big rock in my life. I buried a great friend who passed away after a two year battle with cancer. He was only 48 years old and a role model to so many who knew him. He was hugely successful in business, but always had time for a coffee and a chat. He exercised daily, was a non-smoker, non-drinker and left behind a loving wife and two teenage kids. He even wrote a moving message to be read out at his funeral. In the note he had written “I have no regrets”. He had balanced a successful business life with spending lots of time with his kids and family. He always spoke about having time for family. He has been taken too early but his words “I have no regrets” lead me to think, how many of us can say the same?

Time to think

In the last couple of weeks, my coaching client has been able to get some time to think and reflect. He has begun to notice the things he has missed for so long because he has been distracted by being busy. He has time to think.

We are coming up to the Christmas break when many of us get time to think. The break gives us time off the roller coaster we call work. We let go of emails for a while and catch up with family and friends. We get time to indulge ourselves and have some fun. We take time to read for leisure or go for long walks. Our days lack discipline and are unstructured. It takes a bit of getting used to recalibrating to just being. The technology enabled world wants us to stay connected and prompts us to keep engaging, read the latest tweet or social media post.

Time to be

One of the key lessons I have learned from coaching is not to miss out on our own daughters growing up. I was coaching another busy exec that had lost their job around the time she was born and what he said changed my perspective on parenting for life. He told me that he had invested the past 27 years of his life in a corporate and they had just cut the umbilical cord. He admitted, crying openly to me, that work had taken hold of his life and he had not only lost his job, he had lost his marriage and his relationship with his teenage daughters. He had been distracted by work and missed out on all the important things in their growing up. This served as a timely message to me; don’t lose your family and your daughter however busy life gets.

I am busy like many others. Yes, I am often away mid-week, but what is key is to make the time to chat, to be and if possible to do the school runs every so often. Time to connect, to listen, to think together, to share fresh insights, to laugh heartedly, to spend doing stuff that is just pure fun and to create memories. I can look back at 2017 and say we have created great memories. This blog earlier in the year speaks about our fun trip to London.

Time to reflect

In our business we receive many calls from people who have had time to think over Christmas and want a career or job change. So it’s that time of year for us all to reflect. Here are some questions that may help you to think about what’s really important for 2018 and beyond.

  • What were your standout memories for 2017?
  • Did they include the really important people in your life?
  • What didn’t you get the time to do that you would have wanted if you had more time?
  • What memories do you want to create in 2018?

If something needs changing, stop saying I’m too busy, change yourself or change the situation. Take time to think, be and most important of all, have no regrets!

  “This time like all times is a good time if we knew what to with it” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

John Fitzgerald – Founder Harmonics