
Lockdown Window

Every call I have had this week, the topic of well being has been mentioned.

One client is doing a Well Being fortnight, another has Wellness Wednesdays where no online meetings are supposed to happen…but they still do!

These HR led initiatives highlight a focus on taking care of ourselves.

The real question is how do we turn well meaning for well being into feeling well and confident to face the future through lockdown?

Our work and life environments have changed and are likely to never go back to where they were pre-covid.

Many of us are on Zoom or Teams calls all day with one glimpse of the outside world through our #LockdownWindow in my case my skylight window.

This isolation is having a huge impact on people. At Harmonics, we are on a mission to help Organisation Leaders truly listen and care for their people.

Leaders and Managers need to purposely build even greater emotional connections with their people by creating the time for quality conversations.

We have used the Lockdown to create new technologies like Employee Voice 24/7 to work as an internal communications coach and our Future Readiness Index to enhance our 5 Step Career Conversations Masterclass series

Take a look and give us a call on the link here.

Blog News

Future of Work 2020 Research Study Launched


Future of Work Research Study Examined Changing Landscape of Skills in Demand, Work Environments and Technology

23 November 2020: A global survey of Business and HR Leaders conducted by Irish firm Harmonics and OI Global Partners (one of the world’s largest career consulting partnerships) has captured some of the positives, negatives and challenges that the pandemic and digital transformation are bringing to the world of work.

This is the fifth annual survey that Harmonics has conducted in association with OI Global Partners on the Future of Work and the implications from the pandemic were felt right across organisations.

Some of the key take-aways include:

  • 43% of global respondents believe Covid-19 had a positive impact on productivity. When looking at Irish respondents this rose to 69%.
  • By comparison, 46% of respondents in Ireland (and globally) perceive a negative impact on collaboration because of fewer informal interactions.
  • The impact of remote working has led 71% to anticipate a hybrid form of work in the future with some division to time spent between home and the workplace.

Commenting on these findings, John Fitzgerald, managing director, Harmonics, said, “Hybrid working is here to stay so we need to continue to find ways to stay connected and to collaborate effectively in virtual environments. The big question for employers now is how do we create greater teamwork, better conversations and well-being in a very scheduled online meeting led world of work?”

Virtual workforce mobility is another trend emerging in a tight global labour market for specific skills. Organisations can now hire someone from anywhere in the virtual world. We will start to see more examples of a person living in Japan working for a company in Dublin for instance or someone living in Kerry working for a company headquartered in Berlin,” he continued.

The top 5 skills most valued by organisations are:

  • Leadership agility
  • Embracing Change
  • Collaboration
  • Communicating Clearly
  • Critical Thinking

“We saw the same top 5 in 2019, although leadership agility has jumped three places to the top.  Digital transformation has accelerated apace because of Covid-19 and this has increased the need for an agile mindset to embrace change and learn new ways of work. Career success is very much mindset led and skillset enabled,” Mr Fitzgerald noted.

Other key findings include:

  • 46% say that ‘adapting to change’ is the biggest people challenge facing their organisation, followed by ‘managing remote workers’ (43%) and keeping employees engaged (42%).
  • By contrast, in Ireland, the biggest people challenge is ‘preparing for the unknown’
  • The transition to a remote working environment has increased responsibility for each employee to self-direct their own career development. Self-directed learning portals garner support from 45% of survey participants this year, the highest rated development activity and one that has not made the top list in previous years.
  • Just over half of survey participants predict that new technology (e.g., artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning) will have no impact on jobs (56%). This is an increase from 2019, when 38% of responses fell into the “no impact on jobs” bucket.
  • Turning to the impact of new technology on social skills, more than 3 out of 4 of overall survey participants (77%) believe that new technology will require more social skills.

Mr. Fitzgerald said, “The impact of digital transformation and ongoing technology advancements are increasing the need to reskill to meet changing work demands. However, in Ireland there appears to be a significant gap in businesses committing to investing in upskilling their people. Only 16% Irish employers stated they are currently investing in reskilling, while 66% said they would do so in the future. This may impact the ability of people to quickly transition to new jobs that require an increasing hybrid of digital and social skills.”

The Global Future of Work survey results can be downloaded here OIGP-FOW-2020-IRL


About the survey: 

The survey was conducted in September and October 2020. There were almost 600 respondents from 16 countries.  Organisations of all sizes weighed in, with half reporting more than 500 employees. Respondents represented every one of 16 major industry groups, with heaviest response from Financial Services, Business Support & Logistics, Technology, Telecom, Internet & Electronics and Manufacturing.

About 50% of the respondents are from the UK and Europe, with the largest representation from Ireland, Netherlands and Nordic countries. Slightly fewer respondents (48%) come from Canada and the US and 3% represent Australia.




OIGP 5th Annual Future of Work Is Now Study

This year has certainly not gone as any of us had planned. A global pandemic and its impact have made those of us at Harmonics and our colleague in OI Global Partners more curious than ever about what is happening in organizations around the world and how experiences are similar and different.

OI Global Partners is a global partnership of leading Career Consultancy firms serving 28 countries across all continents.

In the Global ‘OIGP Future of Work Is Now Annual Research Study’ we surveyed Business and HR Leaders in late 2020 to track going trends in Organisations around the globe.

We sought to discover:

  • Important skills required in today’s environment
  • Significant people challenges currently facing organizations
  • Impact of new technology on jobs
  • Most effective ways to develop talent

We also investigated a few additional topics this year:

  • Impact of Covid-19 on organisations
  • Reskilling as a result of technology advances
  • Importance of developing a sense of purpose
  • Reasons for employee turnover

Please see the link to the report here

OIGP Future of Work is Now Annual Research Study


Lunchtime Friday and I’m Happy! Why?

“Freedom to Be Happy” – the business case for Happiness is a new book by Matthew Phelan has landed.

I’m having the traditional cup of tea and a purple snack after my lunch and smiling at the fun and engaging way Matt has written this book.

Matt has been able to capture so many diverse global insights into the Neuroscience of Happiness in our Life, Work, Career and Business.

I got the opportunity to contribute to the book on Happiness in Your Career and will be joining Matt on his global book tour when he has his Dublin Book launch with Margot Slattery on December 2nd.

If you have 30 minutes to spare, Matt will be well worth a listen and you can register for the book launch here.

The book is timely after a tough 2020 for many and a great Christmas gift for Business Leaders to offer to their people and remind us all on what really makes us happy:)

Through our Partnership with Matt’s business the The Happiness Index we use the latest in AI technology to help our clients understand how their people are feeling which has been so powerful during Covid.


Blog News

Report – Towards a Reskilling Revolution



Report – OIGP Future of Work Report 2019



Podcast – Career Happiness with John Fitzgerald

Matthew Phelan Author of ‘Freedom to be Happy’ – The Business Case for Happiness interviewed me for his Happiness and Humans podcast.

The Podcast was framed around 4 core questions but we got to speak on lots more too

  1. What makes you Happy?
  2. Does the Happiness of CEO’s matter?
  3. Is Happiness important in your Career?
  4. Do you see a link between Happiness and Company Performance?

We got around to lots including the impact of his Irish Mam and my Mam on our lives.

And what makes me happy in my life and my career and what I’m missing as we get through Covid.


Everybody Wins

I just want to share an inspiring story about how Covid has changed an old friend’s life for the better.

Pre Covid, he would spend 3 hours commuting in his car daily! He used to get up at 5:45am, he and his wife both worked outside the house, they have 3 kids under 10. When he got home each evening it was after 7pm, he was drained and it was soon bed time for the kids. Weekends were catch up times while he tried to refresh for another week’s slog.

Each year he would overdo work, run down his immune system leaving himself open to bouts of the flu.

He now works remotely and he is a changed man. He has a short morning spin to his mother’s house where has set up a home office, the house where he grew up.

His Mam lives alone and is delighted to have him back. They share different stories from his on-line meetings over “cup of tea breaks”. It’s has perked her up no end he says. His kids also get to spend time with their Grandmother.

He describes the move to Remote Work as a Watershed Moment. He is now able to walk by the sea and listen to a podcast each evening in peace. When he is home, he has so much energy now.

It was great to hear from him and how he has remodelled his life to work for him and his family.

His new Life Motto is “Everybody Wins

News Webinar

The Toolkit to Build Resilience – HR at the Heart

John Fitzgerald’s recent webinar talks to what we are all feeling during these unprecedented times. He speaks about “words makes worlds” and what impact those words are having on our internal condition. Will the Change Models of the past help us in HR and Change Management in the Future? It’s not to be missed!



Words make Worlds

“Strange times isn’t it, ah sure when will we get back to normal at all?”

I am struck by the now typical greeting when I meet someone I know in the supermarket.

“Words make worlds” and we as a human race are struggling to come to terms with the new reality.

The New Pandemic Words to enter our vocabulary are those of restriction, isolation, detachment and dependency. These words trigger survival emotions such as fear, anger and sadness which flood our systems with cortisol. Fight or flight is a temporary reaction to escape immediate danger. This extended lockdown is impacting the mental state of the world. This pandemic may be seen not only as the start of a global economic depression but also a rapid increase in mental depression but we have a choice

In the Pre-Pandemic World, it was normal to hug your nearest and dearest. I miss giving my elderly mother a hug and she does too. We have survived as humans for centuries by forming tribes and building a strong sense of social connection, joy and trust which trigger neurochemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin.

Our environment impacts our emotional state but we all have choices which I share on this recent webinar. Watch the video
